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PiGI - DIY Geiger Counter based on RaspberryPiRasPi Geiger Counter

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PiGI Software Hacking & Hackathon

For the last couple of days we've been really busy pushing the pyGI/webGI software suite that goes alongside the PiGI to make it a really useful geiger counter and we're very proud and happy to show you some of our preliminary results. Our goal was simple: Build the most cost-effective, non-profit, open-source geiger counter and offer more features with an easy to use interface than any other commercially available solution. Even now in the early states we already have achieved that goal.

It runs entirely on modern HTML5/CSS3/JS architecture and we test/support modern open-source browsers like chromium and firefox. The whole setup has been shifted to a mobile-first approach, so you can use the webGI interface on any modern smartphone or tablet as well as a “big” computer or a web enabled TV. Here are a couple of sneak-previews:


2014/03/04 16:08 · chrono · 32 Comments

Personal Log: PiGI Testing

Some time ago i stumbled upon the PiGI project, joined the chatroom and somehow convinced chrono to send me a prototype board. Thanks for that! So here will be a summary of my testing of the PiGI.


2014/02/08 14:21 · jamest · 14 Comments

Personal Log: The Post-Snowden Age

In 2013, some tech guy with a conscience got fed up covering up. He had access to many secret documents proving at which scale people are being unlawfully monitored and all of their information/communication behavior is logged and stored. He became a hero when he released documents showing the audacity, capacity and greediness of these “agencies” in full detail: People all over the world are constantly being spied upon by the NSA, GCHQ the BND and all the other players around the world. We have been saying this for years but were just labeled as paranoid conspiracy theorists who need to be put into a mental institution for even thinking like that. But Edward Snowden finally proved that point. Thank you for taking this upon you. Even though some consider you a traitor and publicly fantasize how they would like to kill you, you have done the right thing.


2014/02/03 15:32 · chrono · 8 Comments

Personal Log: Mission Updates

It's been quite a while since anything was moving here because I got sick and was down for more than 3 weeks and directly after that it was time to begin the move out of the flat that I occupied for the last decade in order to clean out the rest of all the stuff I've gathered over the years and which doesn't belong onto the Apollo-NG cargo manifest. This will be the last stepping stone to finally be able to sustain myself on the road with what I have on board.

Unfortunately, this pushed the PiGI crowdfunding deadline further because I didn't want to start the campaign in a state where everything that I need to successfully launch and fulfill the campaign is packed in boxes. That's too much of a handicap for now and would increase the risk of further delays. Iggy and I will start the campaign as soon as we are in a somewhat operational state again.

2013/09/24 11:35 · chrono · 14 Comments

PiGI V1.1 production planning

In the last couple of days there hasn't been much change in the numbers of the market analysis. Based on the latest numbers, it would make sense to produce a volume of 100 PiGI's as a mini series which will be the basis of the coming crowdfunding campaign.

Unfortunately, the crowdfunding portals don't support a scaling system to automatically manage the per unit price based on pledging participants and the decrease of the price with an increasing number of units. It would have been quite a difference with 1000 units, when you compare the price scaling.

If we set the price too low because we hope for more people in the campaign, we might end up paying on top since we didn't reach the numbers necessary to break even. If we set the price too high in order to mitigate that risk and way more people pledge than originally indicated here, the units will cost the end user much more than to produce them. Apollo-NG is a non-profit project and if we would start to make a hefty profit by selling them for more than it actually cost to produce it would be no good. So what are your thoughts regarding this issue?

I like to use the term OVEP (Open Virtual Enterprise Planning) to describe a method and tools to change how people produce stuff. No more secrets, no hidden agendas/plans, no bullshit and especially no extra costs for marketing/sales/legal/boss-boni which makes everything artificially expensive. Every aspect of the enterprise to develop & produce the product is public and transparent in the open. The PiGI pages are basically the business plan for this single product, so everyone can understand how it is build and what costs are really involved.

The campaign will probably be launched within the next 10-14 days to progress while the upcoming DSpace Hackathon in Graz during the second half of August is underway. So stay tuned, subscribe to the RSS-Feed and join the announce mailinglist to get notified when the campaign goes public.

2013/07/25 11:18 · chrono · 13 Comments

Elasticsearch Garbage Collector

If you're using Elasticsearch you'll sooner or later have to deal with diskspace issues. The setup I currently have to manage gathers 200 to 300 million docs per 24 hours and a solution was needed to always guarantee enough free diskspace so that Elasticsearch wouldn't fail.

The following bash script is the last incarnation of this quest to have an automatic “ringbuffer”:



# Check if Lockfile exists

  if [ -e ${LOCKFILE} ] && kill -0 `cat ${LOCKFILE}`; then
    echo "EGC process already running"
    exit 1

# Make sure the Lockfile is removed 
# when we exit and then claim it

  trap "rm -f ${LOCKFILE}; exit" INT TERM EXIT

# Create Lockfile

  echo $$ > ${LOCKFILE}

# Always keep a minimum of 30GB free in logdata
# by sacrificing oldest index (ringbuffer)

  DF=$(/bin/df /dev/md0 | sed '1d' | awk '{print $4}')

  if [ ${DF} -le 30000000 ]; then
    INDEX=$(/bin/ls -1td /logdata/dntx-es/nodes/0/indices/logstash-* | tail -1 | xargs -n 1 basename)
    curl -XDELETE "http://localhost:9200/${INDEX}"

# Check & clean elasticsearch logs 
# if disk usage is > 10GB

  DU=$(/usr/bin/du /var/log/elasticsearch/ | awk '{print $1}')

  if [ ${DU} -ge 10000000 ]; then
    rm /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log.20*

# Remove Lockfile

  rm -f ${LOCKFILE}

  exit 0

Make sure to check/modify the script to reflect your particular setup: It's very likely that your paths and device names are different.

It runs every 10 minutes (as a cron job) and checks the available space on the device where Elasticsearch stores its indices. In this example /dev/md0 is mounted on /logdata. If md0 has less than 30GB of free diskspace it automagically finds the oldest Elasticsearch index and drops it via Elasticsearch's REST API without service interruption (no stop/restart of Elasticsearch required).

A simple locking mechanism will prevent multiple running instances in case of timing issues. All you need is curl for it to work and it will increase your storage efficiency so that you can always have as much past data available as your storage allows without the risk of full disk issues or the hassle of manual monitoring & maintaining.

2013/07/17 11:51 · chrono · 30 Comments

Flight-Control Log

The Apollo-NG website and its underlying/supporting infrastructure was beginning to show some severe issues caused by lacking upstream support for Linux VZ. Additionally, for other reasons, whole IP ranges had to be moved so each Box had an additional interface for the migration period which made HTTP or git communication with impossible. That's why the automated deployment of DSpace failed.

However, gratefully decided to stick to their decision to sponsor Apollo-NG's hosted network infrastructure needs and provided a new KVM box with more disk space and memory.

The migration to the new box is complete now, hopefully all name servers got the hint as well. The pads are also back online and should also receive a considerable speedup. In the progression of the update the SPDY (Speedy) protocol was added to collect some metrics about the performance gain and to see how it behaves in a smaller set of the real world.

Hopefully, that will conclude this maintenance/update cycle and free resources to find more sponsors and to continue with ongoing projects

2013/06/14 20:47 · chrono · 20 Comments

Apollo-NG website relaunched

In case you have been here before you might want to hit Shift+F5 and clear your cache to avoid any local caching issues. It was a hard decision to take away available timeslots from other research projects but it was necessary to update the rather quaint and non-committing old design. This project is about the future, about modernization and leaving old, inherited, legacy ballast from many contexts of human activity behind. The UI should reflect that.

Luckily, just in the same timeslot the DokuWiki developer crowd has finished the new Weatherwax release, which fixed a lot of issues and drastically decreased the amount of necessary plugins to get all needed features for this site. So a big thanks to all the people who have participated in DokuWiki is in order.

DokuWiki has proved itself here as a totally versatile platform, mixing together features of content-management-systems, wikis, blogs and enough freedom to intertwine them with a hacked up UI and only very minor changes under the hood. And still, even after testing many other solutions, when weighing the amount of required server resources and easy maintainability vs. features, performance and stability there still wasn't any other system that could even come close to its efficiency and ease of integration.

2013/06/09 11:05 · chrono · 7 Comments

Project Release: PiGI Module

Thanks to Maximilian Batz from, who sponsored two Raspberry Pi B models for the cause of Apollo-NG, it was time to see what more could be done with them. This essentially forked two subprojects:

  • Raspberry Pi based autonomous Antenna Tracker (following a MAVLink enabled UAV/Drone)
  • Raspberry Pi based geiger-counter

The Tracker is working but still in alpha state (built as a mockup) and not released yet but after a combined amount of 10 days the pigi was finished, including the prototype boards. Some basic documentation is done, the github repo is online and basic prove-of-concept code is finished. It goes to show how amazingly fast we can dive into new technologies today and come up with a new thing without having any prior knowledge how to build a geiger counter. Sharing knowledge via Internet simply rules :)


DSpace Development Updates

After the last collaborative hacking session on DSpace, the client developed and changed a lot. We've already integrated automated testing, using phantomjs and travis, the primary git repo changed from Apollo to github, in order to facilitate Pull-Requests and combined issue tracking. From now on, please don't push DSpace stuff to the Apollo-NG Repo's but use the github repo's as your origin. Every push to develop branch on github is automatically synced to the Apollo-NG repo and then automagically built and deployed on the demo site. This way, we can always be sure, that when a clone from the backup repo is working, the backup is working as well.

Elf-Pavlik is trying to raise interest with other related groups so that the next dspace-hackathon will involve even more people with different backgrounds and capabilities to contribute. It's gonna be a lot of fun :)

2013/02/11 11:01 · chrono · 8 Comments