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mission:tech [2015/04/10 08:54] – [System Status Overview] chronomission:tech [2016/09/22 15:46] (current) – [Hackerspacecraft] chrono
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 The CM pulls the LM to a destination, the LM parks in a geostationary very low earth orbit to quickly deploy the Hackerspace and its built-in lab and infrastructure, as well as R&D facilities and shelter for nomadic hackers. The CM is then free to act as shuttle, transport, workspace for 4 people or acting emergency habitat for 2 people. The CM pulls the LM to a destination, the LM parks in a geostationary very low earth orbit to quickly deploy the Hackerspace and its built-in lab and infrastructure, as well as R&D facilities and shelter for nomadic hackers. The CM is then free to act as shuttle, transport, workspace for 4 people or acting emergency habitat for 2 people.
-{{ :mission:apollo-ng-schema.png| }}+{{:mission:apollo-ng-schema.png|}}
 With the exception of diesel, to power the CM's primary engine, both systems are designed to be completely self-sustainable, harvesting solar, water, wind and biomass energy when and wherever possible. With the exception of diesel, to power the CM's primary engine, both systems are designed to be completely self-sustainable, harvesting solar, water, wind and biomass energy when and wherever possible.
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 {{keywords>Apollo-NG apollo hackerspace hacker space research development makerspace fablab lab community open-resource open resource mobile hackbus hack spacecraft hackerspacecraft}} {{keywords>Apollo-NG apollo hackerspace hacker space research development makerspace fablab lab community open-resource open resource mobile hackbus hack spacecraft hackerspacecraft}}