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lab:dspace [2013/06/07 15:07] – [DSpace] chronolab:dspace [2016/05/28 11:07] (current) – [Use Cases] chrono
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 The internet has enabled us to share information in ways that were never before available to mankind. On the web, we created websites for specific topics, to have a place where we could share what we know about the world around us. But you need to know where to look for and surf through different sites to get all relevant information. The internet has enabled us to share information in ways that were never before available to mankind. On the web, we created websites for specific topics, to have a place where we could share what we know about the world around us. But you need to know where to look for and surf through different sites to get all relevant information.
-With the help of 1000s of contributors, we as the people, have managed to have a free data source for map-data (OSM). Combined with free topology-datawe now have the capability to create meaningful and accurate //basemaps// of the whole world ourselves, without further depency on external map-servers and map-data, provided by commercial services.+With the help of 1000s of contributors, we as the people, have managed to have a free data source for map-data (OSM). Combined with free topology-data we now have the capability to create meaningful and accurate //basemaps// of the whole world ourselves, without further dependency on external map-servers and map-data, provided by commercial services.
 Instead of putting up competing websites, which each only hold a part of the information other people have collected (users), it seems much more efficient to store and manage information with relevance to locality (and there are many, when you really start to think about it) in a different manner: Instead of putting up competing websites, which each only hold a part of the information other people have collected (users), it seems much more efficient to store and manage information with relevance to locality (and there are many, when you really start to think about it) in a different manner:
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 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-In technical terms, DSpace is a toolkit which provides its own free (open-source and free to access) map-tile servers for basemaps, a distributed/federated network to store, organize and access data related to what people are interested in or may find useful to easily mark on a map to remember or share with others. We put a strong focus on decentralization and try to employ concepts as serverless syncing, offline caching, browser local storage (etc) from the beginning.+<WRAP round info> 
 + **Check out the Introduction Slides:**\\ [[]] 
 +In technical terms, DSpace is a toolkit which provides its own free (open-source and free to access) map-tile servers for basemaps, a distributed/federated network to store, organize and access data related to what people are interested in or may find useful to easily mark on a map to remember or share with others. We put a strong focus on decentralization and try to employ concepts as server-less syncing, offline caching, browser local storage (etc) from the beginning.
 This data is organized and structured in Overlays, which can be  This data is organized and structured in Overlays, which can be 
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 You realize, that something on the basemap isn't reflected by reality, so you open the OSM-Feedback Overlay and the client get's new features, which enable you to add/change or delete elements of the //basemap//. You realize, that something on the basemap isn't reflected by reality, so you open the OSM-Feedback Overlay and the client get's new features, which enable you to add/change or delete elements of the //basemap//.
-This change will not occur in realtime, because the data is not changed locally but submitted back upstream to the people dedicated to mapping the world: [[|OpenStreetMap]]. After they alter their data, we receive the changes back downstream, when a new map for the //basemap// is rendered. This way we can change data AND our changes are available to EVERYONE else, who is using OSM data. +This change will not occur in real time, because the data is not changed locally but submitted back upstream to the people dedicated to mapping the world: [[|OpenStreetMap]]. After they alter their data, we receive the changes back downstream, when a new map for the //basemap// is rendered. This way we can change data AND our changes are available to EVERYONE else, who is using OSM data.
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 ===== Use Cases ===== ===== Use Cases =====
-  * Hitchhiking => Combo of permanent/temporary data - connecting drivers/hikers in a local area (  * ERM => Emergency Response Management via local autonomous WiFi (FreifunkNodes 
-  Dumpster Diving => More permanent data (    First Responder Organization 
 +    * Victim Communication
   * Food Mapping/Sharing => ,   * Food Mapping/Sharing => ,
-  * Organizing Events => Temporary data (i.e. have public congress/camp layers for visitors to find what they look for / non-public engel layers for orga), -  * Realtime Warnings => Road Speed controls, public transportation ticket controls 
 +  * Urban Management => Where are open living spaces, jobs or food sources 
 +  * Fleet Management 
 +  * Decentralized P2P parcel service 
 +  * Organizing Events => Temporary data (i.e. have public congress/camp layers for visitors to find what they look for / non-public 'angel' layers for orga), -
   * Open Network Access => Mapping Access Points ( by a friend from freifunk berlin) - + ham-radio repeater information   * Open Network Access => Mapping Access Points ( by a friend from freifunk berlin) - + ham-radio repeater information
   * Realtime Semantic Mapping => Heat mapping twitter hashtags (i.e. heatmap #earthquake to find current EQ reports and positions)   * Realtime Semantic Mapping => Heat mapping twitter hashtags (i.e. heatmap #earthquake to find current EQ reports and positions)
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   * POI's for a local group (i.e. MuCCC) => More permanent data   * POI's for a local group (i.e. MuCCC) => More permanent data
   * Drone Management => Localization and interactive Mission/WayPoint Management (GCS Interfacing)   * Drone Management => Localization and interactive Mission/WayPoint Management (GCS Interfacing)
-  * ERM => Emergency Response Management (First Responder Setup) 
   * Entertainment => Geocaching, AR-MMORPGs, AR-MMO-Strategy-Games   * Entertainment => Geocaching, AR-MMORPGs, AR-MMO-Strategy-Games
-  * Realtime Warnings => Road Speed controls, public transportation ticket controls 
-  * Urban Management => Where are open living spaces, jobs or food sources 
-  * Fleet Managemen 
   * ADS-B Airplane Mapping Overlay (just a few RTL-SDR stations globally)    * ADS-B Airplane Mapping Overlay (just a few RTL-SDR stations globally) 
 +  * Hitchhiking => Combo of permanent/temporary data - connecting drivers/hikers in a local area (
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 +==== External Links ====
 {{tag>dspace map overlay research software development p2p social collaboration}} {{tag>dspace map overlay research software development p2p social collaboration}}
 {{keywords>Apollo-NG hackerspace hacker space development makerspace fablab lab community open-resource open resource mobile hackbus dspace map overlay research software development p2p social collaboration}} {{keywords>Apollo-NG hackerspace hacker space development makerspace fablab lab community open-resource open resource mobile hackbus dspace map overlay research software development p2p social collaboration}}