Pelton-Turbine calculations

Jetspeed<x 12>v = \sqrt{2*g*H}</x>m/sDue to friction losses the jet will be 2-4% slower
Height/Head<x 12>H</x>m
Earth Gravitation<x 12>g</x>m/s²9,81 m/s²
Turbine RPM<x 12>RPMt = {v}/{2R}</x>rad/sOptimum RPM is about 2-10% lower
Jet-Turbine Radius<x 12>R</x>mCenter axis to cup center
Jet cross-section<x 12>A = {Q}/{v}</x>adjusted by nozzle
Water volume<x 12>Q</x>m³/s
Jet diameter<x 12>d = \sqrt4a-pi</x>m
Cup height<x 12>b \approx 2.4*p</x>m+/- 12% tolerance in construction