├── qwery@3.4.0 - blazing fast CSS3 query selector engine ├── domready@0.2.11 - bullet proof DOM ready method ├── bean@1.0.2 - A small, fast, framework-agnostic event manager ├── bonzo@1.3.2-1 - Library agnostic, extensible DOM utility ├── morpheus@0.6.6 - Animations ├─┬ backbone@0.9.9 - Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events. | └── underscore@1.4.3 - JavaScript's functional programming helper library. └─┬ handlebars@1.0.7 - Extension of the Mustache logicless template language ├── uglify-js@1.2.6 - JavaScript parser and compressor/beautifier toolkit └─┬ optimist@0.3.4 - Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached. └── wordwrap@0.0.2 - Wrap those words. Show them at what columns to start and stop.
Dynamic Overlays that are not embedded into the map tiles but created by JS on the client
Possibility to access static POI's even when not connected to the net?
User adds Overlays to featurebox - appears as new tab (like browser), each tab has a represenattive icon (the marker image) - add (plus) button as last tab - visible checkbox - remove overlay from featurebox option
- Keyboard (panning with arrow keys / zooming with page Up(in)/Down(out)
Federated storage possibilities:
http://remotestorage.io (unstable!) https://github.ctom/jcoglan/restore (unstable!)
“Data-Proxies” :
- MVV live stats
→ init new World
[world] [map] [overlay]
{attributes: options} {model/world: world} {collection: featurecollection}
world.get( geofeeds ).each
#on geofeed.reset <- map.addMapLayer( featurecollection ) mm.addlayer markerlayer <-
[markerlayer] {collection: featurecollection } -> setIndex -> set marker factory to marker [marker] {model:feature} -> bind to ----- remove feeds ---------
#send trigger