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Join ongoing projects

If you can offer time, knowledge or resources for a project and you'd like to see further development in a particular area, just join the project and start helping right away. We're very friendly and always open to new ideas and approaches which could help with the development of a project. If you'd like to suggest a new project, don't hesitate either.

Throw hardware

If you have something you'd like to have added to current projects or just want to support the development of a project, you can send us hardware, resources or tools.

Pick a challenge


Priority Task Description
HIGH FEM/CFD Simulation We're looking for someone with the ability to establish FEM/CFD simulations of different rotor type models and mechanics to analyze stress points and optimize rotor performance
MEDIUM Dockstar S/PDIF Out Find a way to hack the Dockstar to supply optical S/PDIF output natively, without the need for a USB converter. The Marvell SoC supports it and the 3 pins are available on the board as well as kernel patches
LOW Microphone discoupler Hack a microphone discoupler


Priority Task Description
HIGH DokuWiki comments Extend the discussion plugin with a comment voting feature, where downvoted comments are grayed out. At least a minimium form of cookie based identification should be used in order to avoid broader abuse of the voting buttons

