===== Linux =====
===== Mac OSX =====
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -clcerts -inkey user.key -in user.crt -out user.p12 -name "user"
A **password must be set** during the openssl pkcs12 export. Otherwise, the keychain will refuse to import the pkcs12.
- Import CA.crt
- Trust CA.crt
- Import user.p12
- Find WLAN
- Connect to other net
- Select "Company WPA2"
- security: EAP-TLS
===== Windows =====
Enterpise WPA2
import CA
import pkcs12
====== Personal Log: Open-Source Filters FTW! ======
{{tag>events dspace gis map geo research software development}}
{{keywords>Apollo-NG apollo next generation hackerspace hacker space development makerspace fablab diy community open-resource open resource mobile hackbus events hackparty dspace gis map geo research software development}}