====== Voron 2.4 Build Livestream EP8: Stealthburner Part 1====== {{url>https://odysee.com/$/embed/@Apollo-NG:2/odysee-live-stream-voron-ep8-stealthburner-part-1:4?r=9GPazzWhkRN7uXjT7tbgNuzpoZAF4G6Z&lid=4ea312aacf62d4e7d6a3d2df2d7afcf5f70ed2ee noscroll noborder}} Today we will: * Try to prepare and fit the fans into the SB main body * Create the neopixel wiring harness and put it into the SB main body * Do more CAN experiments If you want to see more, please [[https://odysee.com/$/invite/@Apollo-NG:2|join Odysee]] and [[https://odysee.com/@Apollo-NG:2|follow our channel]] there. {{tag>3d printer voron felix livestream}} {{keywords>Apollo-NG apollo next generation hackerspace hacker space development makerspace fablab diy community open-resource open resource mobile hackbus 3d printer voron stealthburner felix livestream}} ~~DISCUSSION~~