====== Darkmatter - A new theme for LEDE/OpenWRT ======
Darkmatter is an alternative HTML5 theme for LuCI that has evolved from
luci-theme-bootstrap & luci-theme-material, in an attempt to bring a more
concise, clean and visually pleasing UX to LEDE/OpenWRT. Check it out,
help testing on different devices with different configurations and submit
fixes if you can. All is welcome and needed to improve it further.
{{:mission:log:2017:01:08:desktop-status.jpg|Desktop View of Status Page}}
More Screenshots below. Source: https://github.com/apollo-ng/luci-theme-darkmatter
===== Installation =====
At this point, darkmatter isn't yet included upstream by the LEDE/OpenWRT crowd, so for now, please select an installation method most suited for your case to get it:
==== Adding Darkmatter to your running LEDE/OpenWRT as ipk package ====
=== via LuCI ===
* Go to System -> Software
* Paste the following URL into the **Download and install package** field:
* https://apollo.open-resource.org/downloads/luci-theme-darkmatter_0.2-beta-2_all.ipk
* Press Enter or click "OK"
=== via shell ===
$ cd /tmp
$ wget https://apollo.open-resource.org/downloads/luci-theme-darkmatter_0.2-beta-2_all.ipk
$ opkg install luci-theme-darkmatter_0.2-beta-2_all.ipk
==== Adding Darkmatter to your own LEDE/OpenWRT Build ====
Edit your feeds.conf and add the following to it:
# luci-theme-darkmatter
src-git darkmatter git://github.com/apollo-ng/luci-theme-darkmatter.git
Update your build environment and install the package:
$ scripts/feeds update darkmatter
$ scripts/feeds install luci-theme-darkmatter
$ make menuconfig
Go to LuCI -> Themes, select luci-theme-darkmatter, exit, save and build as usual.
===== Enable the Theme =====
* Go to System -> System -> Language and Style
* Choose Darkmatter in the Design selectbox
===== More Screenshots =====
==== Desktop ====
{{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apollo-ng/luci-theme-darkmatter/master/screenshots/desktop-load.jpg|Darkmatter theme for LuCI - Realtime Graphs}} {{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apollo-ng/luci-theme-darkmatter/master/screenshots/desktop-interfaces.jpg|Darkmatter theme for LuCI - Interfaces}} {{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apollo-ng/luci-theme-darkmatter/master/screenshots/desktop-wifi.jpg|Darkmatter theme for LuCI - Wifi}} {{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apollo-ng/luci-theme-darkmatter/master/screenshots/desktop-wifi-edit.jpg|Darkmatter theme for LuCI - Wifi Edit}}
==== Tablet ====
{{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apollo-ng/luci-theme-darkmatter/master/screenshots/tablet-startup.jpg| Darkmatter theme for LuCI - Startup}}
==== Phone ====
{{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apollo-ng/luci-theme-darkmatter/master/screenshots/phone-status.jpg?300|Darkmatter theme for LuCI - Status}} {{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apollo-ng/luci-theme-darkmatter/master/screenshots/phone-load.jpg?300|Darkmatter theme for LuCI - Load}}
{{tag>openwrt lede darkmatter theme luci software}}
{{keywords>Apollo-NG apollo next generation hackerspace hacker space development makerspace fablab diy community open-resource open resource mobile hackbus openwrt lede darkmatter theme luci software}}