====== Another ARA-2000 rebuild and LNA approach ====== It's always rewarding to see that distributing and sharing open knowledge & tools ultimately leads to much more individual empowerment and faster technological evolution/innovation than "protection" of "Intellectual Property" ever could: {{:mission:log:2015:08:18:a2000-material.jpg|}} OK3ZB copied and used the AWRA-Cutting-Helper, did a successful rebuild of the [[mission:log:2012:08:02:active-wideband-receiver-antenna-for-sdr|Active-Wideband-Receiving-Antenna]] and came up with a new LNA approach: {{:mission:log:2015:08:18:a2000-schematic.jpg?320|}} {{:mission:log:2015:08:18:a2000-pcb.jpg?320|}} More details and photos on: http://blog.brichacek.net/klon-sirokopasmove-aktivni-anteny-ara-2000/ Go!Go!Go! {{tag>ethernet switch review hardware test energy}} ~~DISCUSSION~~