====== Reminder: Gotta get more Spark Cores ====== I followed the [[https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sparkdevices/spark-core-wi-fi-for-everything-arduino-compatible|Kickstarter]] campaign for a while but then I almost forgot about the [[https://www.spark.io/|Spark Core]], which have finally become available. At first glance, the HW design looks solid and it comes with a complete [[https://github.com/spark|open-source stack]], including the hardware design, the firmware for the STM32 and infrastructure/server components. Other hackers have already become creative, which, to me, indicates a high level of versatility/hackability. It also promises a swifter speed of development compared to other solutions for similar use cases, where you want something ATMega/Arduino-ish in a small package but with full network accessibility: * http://www.wired.com/2014/08/how-to-use-your-cat-to-hack-your-neighbors-wi-fi * http://blog.fritzing.org/2014/07/29/spark-core-shield-toilet-hack/ The light control system I had always in my mind seems rather close now, with a couple of these and some glue parts + infrastructure, so we'll have to get a couple of them to build and publish it :) {{tag>wifi arduino spark-core hack embedded microcontroller stm32 IoT}} {{keywords>Apollo-NG apollo next generation hackerspace hacker space development makerspace fablab diy community open-resource open resource mobile hackbus wifi arduino spark-core hack embedded microcontroller stm32 IoT}} ~~DISCUSSION~~