====== ER16/11 Collet-Chucks for PicoCNC spindle arrived ====== Leave it to the Chinese, to come up with good quality products, completely unavailable anywhere else, for a really awesome price. After 3 weeks of waiting, the collet-chucks (ER11 & ER16) for the [[mission:resources:picocnc]] spindle finally arrived directly from Hong-Kong: [{{:mission:log:2012:07:08:picocnc-spindle-er16-er11-collet-chucks.jpg?640|CTC-Tools ER16/ER11 collet-chucks, collets and clamping nuts in comparison}}] ~~CL~~ There are a lot of ER11 and ER16 collet-chucks out there, so what makes these one so special? Simple: These ones come with an 8mm shaft, which is going to be inserted as a drop-in replacement for the 8mm motor shaft of a 5045 class brushless outrunner. After a preliminary review, the first prototype will be built with the more massive ER16 collet-chuck, since the threading will probably survive longer and the collets also seem to be more //heavy-duty// than the ER11. If it works and all other parts play equally well, it should be possible to build a robust and precise enough power spindle for a CNC router/gantry system for less than 100EUR. It might also be an attractive option for other Hackerspaces and FabLab's who are building CNC routers as well. **More Details**\\ [[mission:resources:picocnc|PicoCNC Main Page]] {{tag>picofab picocnc spindle collet chucks cnc}} {{keywords>Apollo-NG apollo next generation hackerspace hacker space development makerspace fablab diy community open-resource open resource mobile hackbus picofab picocnc spindle collet chucks cnc er16 er11}} ~~DISCUSSION~~