====== DSpace Introduction ====== A short talk introducing the ideas and concepts of [[lab:dspace]] and social mapping, assembled entirely on an open-source stack of modern web technologies like websockets and node.js and free/open data-providers like OpenStreetMap. The [[http://mnug.de/artikel/meetups/june2013|Event]] begins at 1700UTC with Beer and Pizza at the TNG office.\\ \\ Our talk is scheduled from 1900-1945UTC (2100-2145MEST) \\ \\ TNG Technology Consulting GmbH\\ Betastraße 13a\\ 85774 Unterföhring\\ S-Bahn: Unterföhring (S8)\\ Bus: Linie 233, Haltestelle Betastraße\\ \\ Slides of the Talk: [[https://apollo.open-resource.org/downloads/dspace-introduction.pdf]] ~~DISCUSSION~~ {{tag>dspace map overlay software p2p social collaboration}} {{keywords>Apollo-NG hackerspace hacker space development makerspace fablab lab community open-resource open resource mobile hackbus dspace map overlay research software development p2p social collaboration}}